If you have legacy iSeries Windows Client Access and need to do an upgrade to the latest 6.1 version, it can be a little challenging to get the old version uninstalled. Here is a script that will take care of the uninstall, This has worked with versions 5.4 and 5.2.
Begin Script
@echo off
if exist "C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\cwbunins.exe" goto legacy
exit 0
echo Uninstalling old versions.
"C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\cwbunins.exe" /s
reg.exe delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v "CA RmDir" /f
rmdir /s /q "C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\Mri2924"
exit 0
End Script